"The Wild and Changing Skies of Autumn," a Tiny Aceo sized Cat Fall Leaves PRINT by Deborah Gregg
"The Wild and Changing Skies of Autumn" a tiny print by Deborah Gregg
When she began to sweep the walk, the skies were calm but within minutes the wind began to blow and the leaves twirled and danced in every direction. It was foolish to keep sweeping leaves but she could not bring herself to go in just yet, bundled up and warm, she just soaked in the beautiful wildness of the late October day. And then of course, the winds died down a bit, snowflakes appeared and made it perfect.
This is an archival photographic PRINT on a luster surface (has a slight sheen but is not high gloss) using Kodak Endura Professional photo paper. It measures approximately 2 1/2" wide x 3 1/2" tall (aceo, art card size). Copyright on image is only on the digital picture, not the actual print. Have a great autumn day!
"Listen! The wind is rising, and the air is wild with leaves. We have had our summer evenings, now for October eves." ~Humbert Wolfe, P.L.M.: Peoples, Landfalls, Mountains, 1936