New prints! Not available on Etsy
As part of the expansion to this new website we found some new prints to list! Not adding them to Etsy, keeping them here only to hopefully help grow this new shop. Most are from illustrations I did for my daughter Brigitte's book STILL, plus several I painted years ago and had just never gotten around to listing as prints previously (for various reasons). Will hopefully be finding more to add as time goes on!

Hello and welcome to the shop!
I have had an Etsy shop for several years and since that's doing so well I decided it's time to get my own website going as well! It's been a combined effort as my daughter Rigel is helping more with the business side of things. Offering all the same prints here as I do on Etsy, plus quite a few additional ones we dug up that we're calling "exclusives" as they won't be listed on Etsy, just here. (New for sale I should say, I actually painted them all years ago. How time flies!)
Thank you so much for visiting, all of you who have been buying my art over the years are such a blessing.
~ Deborah
(Image: "Pumpkins for Pie")