"One Last Bike Ride Before The Snows Fall," a Small Sheep Autumn Covered Bridge PRINT by Deborah Gregg
"One Last Bike Ride Before The Snows Fall" a PRINT by Deborah Gregg
As a few snowflakes fly through the wild October sky, some of the flock is taking one last bike ride on their favorite road. They stop at the old covered bridge for a break (mostly to let Marvin catch up). Yes, Marvin is bringing up the rear on his tricycle. Marvin's a sentimental sort you know..."It was my first bike and it will be my last bike!" Well good for you Marvin. :)
This is archival photographic PRINT with a luster surface (has a slight sheen but is not high gloss) using Kodak archival Endura Professional photo paper. It measures approximately 5" tall x 10" long. This piece is best matted and framed, not included. Copyright on image is only on the digital picture, not the actual PRINT. Happy Harvest and have a great day! :0)