"Pumpkins For Pie," a Small Autumn Pumpkin Fall Leaves Red Umbrella PRINT by Deborah Gregg
"Pumpkins For Pie" a Small Autumn Pumpkin Fall Leaves Red Umbrella PRINT by Deborah Gregg
Oh what an earthy day! The skies are a pewter grey accented by falling leaves and a few wet snowflakes. The three sisters take their time walking home from town, accompanied by their little doxie entourage. Enjoying every leaf crunching step (dry and cozy under red umbrellas) as they carry pumpkins, spices, sugar, flour, etc., everything they need for pie, bread, and fried pumpkin cakes. Yum! They should have enough to last through the holidays. Life is good. ♡
"Oh how we love pumpkin season. You did know this gourd-ish squash has its own season, right? Winter, Spring, Summer, Pumpkin... We anxiously anticipate it every year." ~Trader Joe’s Fearless Flyer
This is an archival quality photographic PRINT with a luster surface (has a slight sheen but is not high gloss) on Kodak Endura Professional photo paper. It measures approx 8" x 10" (includes a small white border on the left and right, typically covered when framing). This piece is best matted and framed, not included. Copyright on image is only on the digital picture, not the actual PRINT. Have a wonderful day! ♡